Inventor hsm pro
Inventor hsm pro

Guess it is possible for deflection, or witchcraft, because I used a 2flt carbide endmill.

inventor hsm pro

I've messed with a bunch of stuff since that, not 100% sure if it is same program that gave me my results. Program is embedded in the assembly itself. ( Guessing this is the finish diameter? ) 4749īest I can measure these holes is roughly.

  • Need Help!- Post G code from lazycam to Mach 3.
  • This coule be an Autodesk HSM problem, Autodesk/Mach 3 POST Processor or a Mach 3 thing. I'm curious as to whether the POST for Inventor has a setting in the hole interpolation that needs to be adjusted. Only the holes (and potentially radius's) are affected. Yes my tool diameter is correct and no I am not roughing the hole undersized and not finishing the diameter. Oddly enouigh the other features, slots and cutouts on my example part are pretty close to right on the money. 475 diameter counterbores, they are coming out at around. Problem is the holes that I am cutting (using 2D CONTOURs) are coming out undersized. I have Inventor 2016 with HSM Pro and POSTING to a Mach3 Mill G-CODE.

    Inventor hsm pro